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Spider-Man In Social Distancing


What a great Story!
Kudos to Spider-Man
Comics Byte
Comics Byte

Comics from Space! presents a strip on spider-man in social distancing. Here your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man helps people of New York to overcome the challenges they’re facing. It was so fresh and wonderful. This is what our homegrown ‘Heroes’ are doing currently, from medical facilities to routine belongings providing services to us without any hassles. All the ‘Corona Warriors’ are the real superheroes out there without caring for their own life. Strips like these are true respect and homage to those warriors.

Credits: Comics From Space! and Marvel for ‘Spider-Man’

Story and illustrations done by ‘Dewey Bass’.

Comic Girl
Comic Girl
Thanks To ‘Dewey Bass’ For
The Spider-Man Comic Strip On ‘Social Distancing’

Story: An old lady is struggling for local groceries, Spider-Man identify the situation and come forward with his web slinging hands. Spidy got the items and in between also met with a thug! who is stealing ‘Toilet Papers’. Spider-Man shoots his web and catch the thug, later he released him with a warning. I personally loved the way he’s dealing with the situation and finally the package delivered to the concerned lady.

Message: In the whole strip, you can figure out that ‘Spider-Man’ ensuring the lady that he wears a mask and hand glove for the safety, also maintained social distancing while talking to the lady and the shop owner. He also warned the thug to wash his hands with soap. Ultimately, Spider-Man is saving the day again for us. Overall a very good comic strip with lots of social messages to fight this pandemic.

Spider-Man In Action

Giving you the link below to reach that site and spread the good word. Remember, united we stay stronger, just follow the WHO guidelines and respective protocols implemented by the government, such as social distancing, wear mask and gloves, lock-down. This is our way to fight with Covid-19.


This write-up is published under the initiative of #ComicsAgainstCorona. Look for write-ups, artworks and more on Comics Against Corona menu. Thanks & Cheers – Comics Byte.

Comics Byte

A passionate comics lover and an avid reader, I wanted to contribute as much as I can in this industry. Hence doing my little bit here. Cheers!

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